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Thursday, October 4, 2018


Hey there and welcome to my page! First, I want to thank you, along with my very supportive husband, family, and friends, for taking time to visit this page and being part of this adventure!

I started this journey only recently, when I created a few worksheets for my 5 year old son to complete at home. I had looked EVERYWHERE, and could not find what I was looking for! So I took matters into my own hands, whipped up my first batch of resources, and I sent them to my husband to print them out at work (haha I NEVER have ink in my home printer!!). I didn’t think a thing of it, until my husband called me up out of the blue.

“Honey, did you make these? These look like they were done by a professional!”

It could be the pregnancy hormones, but I tell you those words had me in tears with such pride and happiness! His words were so simple, but they sparked the creative light burning inside me that had been slowly fading since I came home to be a stay-at-home mom. One thing led to another, and now I eagerly dash to my computer each day to create new resources for teachers and share them with the world!

I wish you well in your own teaching or parenting journey, and I hope that these resources help you in some small way. Owl”ways remember- teaching is a work of heart! 

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