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Saturday, October 6, 2018


Good morning, ya'll! It's a gloomy, lazy Saturday morning here in the South, but you'll hear no complaints from me! This weather is the perfect excuse to cuddle up in bed with my computer and a cup of coffee, with a TV episode I've seen 1000 times on in the background. As a bonus, it's just myself and the 3 cats at home right now, so I have lots of peace to work!

Last night, I started on a project that I naively thought would only take my an hour or two around 8 p.m.. Flash forward to me at 1 am, still drawing my own art, furiously working on text alignment, and absolutely determined to make my creation come to life before the dawn! I did have to call it a night long before dawn, but I was right back at it by 7 am. INSOMNIA is the word of the day: I simply could not get this project off my mind!

So what in the world was I so obsessed with that I woke up looking like a frightening, unkempt version of Victor Frankenstein? In a word- SHARKS!

I know, I know- Shark Week is long over with by now and it's well into fall. Shark season is officially over, right? WRONG! 

My son is even more OBSESSED with Sharks than I am, and I was determined to make him some math work that centered around sharks. 
Why? Well, because 
A) Sharks are freaking awesome!
 B) My kid is awesome and 
C) He's really bad at math 😉

The great thing about being a mom and a teacher, is that I have a lot of tricks for helping my kiddo learn new concepts. But that doesn't always change pure personality. I seem to have raised a James Patterson, not a Stephen Hawking. That boy LOVES to read, but give him a number and he looks like you handed him....well you get the idea (💩).

Thus, this crazy all-nighter to create the perfect Shark-themed math lesson was born. My boy is in Kindergarten, and one of his problem areas is number sequence. He does great with rote counting and 1-1 to correspondence, but comparing and ordering random numbers? Not so much. Thus, much of my lesson focuses on these 2 areas, but I have included some extra materials to allow for variety!

Here is the freebie that I created to share with everyone. There are 4 worksheets that work with numbers 1-20 and allow for differentiation. 

But that's definitely not the only thing I made last night! You can find the FULL LESSON here:

13 pages of instructional material, tons of sharks, and engaged kiddos all in one awesome pack! Hope you all enjoy this lesson as much as my son and I did!

Now, I think it is finally time for me to log off, blink the sand out of my eyes, and...go watch JAWS! 

Have a great day!

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